How to Apply Boob Lift Tape Correctly

Boob Lift Tape can be an invaluable aid when wearing strapless or backless dresses or tops requiring extra support, however, the key lies in learning how to apply it effectively.
First, ensure your skin is free from oil or lotion – this will hinder the adhesion of an adhesive tape.

Measure the Length of the Boob Lift Tape

Boob lift tape is an effortless way to add support and cleavage for outfits with low backs or plunge necklines, helping you look your best for special events as well as daily wear.
Before applying boob tape, be sure that your skin is completely clean and dry. Oils or any other substances that could hinder its adhesion could wreak havoc with its adhesion, leading to slipperiness or failure of adhesion.
Once measured, use a ruler or measuring tape to establish the length of strips that need cutting. Starting off with longer strips will enable you to trim them down for optimal fit later on. After cutting the first strip you should tape it on either side of your breast before moving on to taping up another strip slightly higher on its own side – giving your bosoms extra lift!

Cut the Strips

Boob lift tape can be an easy solution when wearing plunging necklines, strapless dresses, and other tops that require additional support beyond what your skin alone can provide. Celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Cardi B, and Jessie J use it regularly! Its use provides fuller perkier looks; something Boob tape users have in common!
Start by cutting several strips of tape that measure 12 inches long. Next, get ready to apply them!
Make your body an invisible bra strap by starting with one of the longer strips and taping it near the base of your breast, where an underwire would go in an ordinary bra. Pull it across your body until it reaches a few inches beneath one armpit near the opposite ribcage – then cut.
Carefully position the tape over your chest using a mirror, pushing and adjusting your breasts to create cleavage. Apply any remaining strips vertically along the outside of your bust; depending on its size you may need to overlap these.

Apply the Strips

Boob lift tape will not adhere to skin that is dirty, damp, or sweaty; therefore, before trying to use boob tape in any other manner it is a good idea to wash both breasts and any areas you intend to tape prior to beginning any other tasks or applying lotions or oils to those areas.
Start applying your boob lift tape by making sure the end of each strip lands where desired (be it right above or higher up on your shoulders). As you apply it, stretch and pull upwards so you create an elegant cleavage shape.
Keep in mind that your tape should neither be too tight nor too loose; otherwise, it may restrict breathing or provide insufficient support or lift. With practice comes success; soon you should master applying boob lift tape for backless dresses or plunging tops – once your strips are in place simply slip on your outfit and enjoy!

Remove the Strips

Boob lift tape can be an effective way to add some extra cleavage without needing to wear a bra, as well as keep a plunging dress or top in place and provide additional cleavage without using pins and needles. But before applying this tape it’s essential that you know how to safely take off without harming the skin.
For ease of removal, body or baby oil soaking is the optimal way to deal with tape. Soaking will break down its adhesive qualities, making it simpler and quicker for you to peel off. Cotton pads may also come in handy to remove any remaining adhesive from the skin.
Another alternative is using shorter strips of boob lift tape. This style starts at the base of one breast and covers both sides, ending a few inches below your armpit (low on your ribcage). Once applied vertically around each nipple for extra cleavage.

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